Posts tagged progress

Most people who start their business have a genuine desire to be successful…to make a great income….to take care of their family….and to live in purpose and passion. So what happens? What changes? What takes someone from a burning desire to create their vision only to give up when challenges arise? 

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2X Your Business Is Underrated

Small wins. Any progress is better than no progress at all. Small actions over a consistent period of time will eventually give you results. Sometimes years before you can start seeing big results. Celebrate the small wins... and keep doing the work.

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Progress Not Perfection

You have to start small first which means you have to fail forward as fast as possible as many times as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. Always aim for the best that you can do with the resources you have and possess inside of you in the moment of execution.

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Finish. Don't quit.

There is no other way around, producing at high levels is a mental game we are playing every day. The more responsibility, the more people in your teams, the more around you hitting you from all directions… But there is no running, we must continue.

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Onwards, Upwards and Forward!

Challenges are there to be overcome, not to stop you from getting to where you want and have to go. Move forward NO MATTER WHAT. Keep planning and executing. Don’t get pushed back by failure or insecurity. Put in the work and you will see the results.

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Seek Failure

We have learned to see failure as a proof of incompetence. This is an unrealistic belief. To learn how to walk, first you had to crawl, you had to fall, you had to fail to learn the process. Failure is where experts and masters come from.

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