Posts tagged possibility
What Do You Want?

Visualization is everything. If you want to be able to take clear action toward your goals, if you want to be able to make real progress, you have to get clear on your vision. When you can hear it, when you can touch, smell, and taste it… That’s what makes it become real.

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Frame Your World By The Words Of Your Mouth

Beware of what you are telling yourself. Random events out of our control can happen in life but you are responsible for the perspective you choose to see and experience your life from. Shift your perspective.

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Don't Repeat

Learn from the past, but don’t stay dwelling in it once you have learned the lessons you needed to learn. That moment in which we quit seeing ourselves as the victims and we start taking responsibility and actively shifting our beliefs and actions to create a change.

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Only You Can Push Yourself

If you are constantly disowning your results you are just living in a fantasy world and relying on fictional stories to make yourself feel better. Only you have the responsibility to move “you” in this path we call life. Taking responsability will open up a ton of possibilities.

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What Is The Possibility?

When we point one finger at something other than ourselves, 3 other fingers point right back at us. Sometimes we ask ourselves: “What is holding me back?”, “Why am I not seeing results?”, “Why am I not living a loving and trusting relationship?”. The answer is US.

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