Posts tagged inspire
Is It True?

Go buy the book “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie and start seeing old thoughts and beliefs about you and others in your life in whole new ways. Getting rid of all the BULLSHIT STORIES YOU ARE MAKING UP ABOUT LIFE, AND ASKING... ARE THEY TRUE? The journey never ends, the process never stops.

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Bear The Pain

No matter the story, no matter the person, there’s always a certain level of pain that comes with achieving anything worthwhile. The question is… how long can we Endure the Pain til we accomplish that which we feel called to do?

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Quit Making Excuses

This man was told he could never walk again. He has spent years and years fighting this battle and yet he perseveres and accomplish what the world around him said was impossible. Where in your life are you paralyzed and need to stop listening to what others say you can or cannot do?

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Listen To The Voice

The Voice becomes more clear the more in alignment you are with your true purpose. This voice is there to guide you to access your source of power and truth. Ask for your Voice to manifest the answers of any questions you might have.

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What Feelings Are You Suppressing?

Sometimes we suppress certain emotions that might be too scary, too painful, too shameful to access. The complete map of possible emotions we can access are: 1. ANGER 2. SADNESS 3. FEAR 4. ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING 5. LOVE AND HARMONY. Which of these emotions are you suppressing?

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No One Is Going To Give You What You Want

Our words carry a vibration. If you want your reality to change, you must change yourself first. Your current beliefs, thoughts, actions have taking you this far. New beliefs, new thoughts, new actions must be implemented to start attracting and manifesting a different reality.

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What Do You Want Your Life To Look Like?

To get a clear vision of where you want to go ask yourself questions: What does your life look like in 10 years? Really visualize every single detail of this picture in your mind. Remember: it doesn’t matter how vivid is the picture you are seeing if you don’t #dothework

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Unless You Know Your WHY, You Won't Stay Persistent

Get clear on your foundation. The why you want the things you want. The why behind these goals will provide you with the purpose, the drive, the energy, the fire that are needed to face adversity and stay persistent no matter what.

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