All Painful Experiences are Time Bound


All Painful Experiences are Time Bound.

Memories keep people upset.

There was a time before the occurrence we were ok.

Then an incident occurred:

I got hit by a car.

My heart was broken.

I didn't make the cut for lifeguarding. 

I lost €287,000 on one error at work.

I was attacked by a group of kids.

I was cheated on. 

AT THIS MOMENT I EXPERIENCED physical or emotional pain.

Minutes, Hours, Days later I was Perfectly Ok again.

The memory of what happened is PTSD

Post - After
Traumatic - Pain
Stress - Upset
Disorder - Disrupt

The Trauma is usually only a few seconds.

And we keep thinking about what a terrible thing has happened over and over again.

How do we change this?

We must change the memory of what happened to resolve the pain so there is no longer pain when thinking about this thought.

Different people have different ways of responding to painful events. 

One starts a new process or uses the painful event to create a new path or behavior and another is traumatized for years.

One translates the experience as terrible and another as an opportunity.

I was traumatized for years on some things.

I would just think about screwing up a job and relive over and over the fear, the upset clients, the drama, and the uncertainty of how to make up for such a large loss in business.

There is a Before and There is an After.

Where do you need to re-write the story of what happened to be free of the trauma that occurred in your Business or Personal life to move ONWARDS UPWARDS AND FORWARD???