The More I Work, The Less I Think, The Better Off I Am.

Sleep is the enemy of failure.png

⁣I used to say sleep is the enemy of success.⠀

300 lbs later...⠀

Complete adrenal fatigue.⠀

No will to keep driving forward in business.⠀

Sleep turned out to be more important than I thought.⠀

Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on health over the last 7 years, recovering from a terrible diagnosis of adrenal failure.⠀

I have recovered. I now prioritize sleep daily.⠀

I track it on my Fitbit Charge 4 and love it!⠀

I focus on daily “napitation” to keep my energy high.⠀

It’s been a game-changer for me at 44 to be more focused and accomplishing more than when I was 24.⠀

Where in your life do you need to step up your Sleep and Recovery game?