Imagine... Create

Imagine and Create your future

Imagine and create are two words that are very powerful. But what do they mean in terms of changing your future? Well when we think about imagining something, we are typically referring to an ideal situation or vision that we desire in our lives. It may not be our current reality but we dare to believe that it is possible.

In fact, nothing that we see today whether it is the designing of an extraordinary building or a breathtaking piece or art manifested without it first being imagined.

Did you know that even before many of the inventions that we see today were created they were described in books, essays, and short stories (1)? For example, although we give credit for the automatic door to Lew Hewitt and Dee Horton (1954), the concept of a motion-sensitive sliding entryway first appeared in H.G. Wells’ 1899 book When the Sleeper Wakes(1)? So, if H.G. Wells had not first imagined the motion-sensitive sliding entryway back in 1899 then it’s possible that we would not enjoy the benefits of that imagined invention 55 years later!

Imagine and Create is a System

If imagine and create are a system where imagine is step 1 and create is step 2 then many of us stop at step 1. Create is the process of execution, it is manifesting that which you imagine. What are the barriers to creating? To put it simply…your negative thoughts are the barriers to creating, because negative thoughts program your mind to believe that certain things are NOT possible.

So, you conclude, that what you imagined will not come to pass, so why even bother? Why even hope? Why even believe that something is possible? You have already convinced your mind to STOP thinking about ways to accomplish something, based on your negative thoughts. 

Reprogram your mind

In order to reverse the process, you must REPROGRAM your mind, to believe that it is possible. Negative thoughts are essentially like a virus in a computer. Negative thoughts need to be removed from your personal computer which is your brain. Failure to quickly remove the virus of negative emotions from your mind will result in the virus spreading to every area of your life. Have you noticed that when you feel negativity towards one area of your life it has a duplication impact in your life? You begin to imagine and create those things that you don’t desire in your life, which is what you don’t want. You begin to attract the negative things that you fear, simply because that is what you have imagined to be your reality. As a result of your imagined reality, the universe begins to bring those very things into your life that you visualized. The most important thing to remember is that thoughts are not permanent, the moment you decide to change those negative thoughts is the moment that you begin to experience a new reality.

According to Tony Robbins emotion is created by motion, which requires a change in your physical state (2). He encourages a four-step priming method  where you are breathing heavily in and out through your nose for three sets of 30 breaths (2). After the three sets you allow yourself to feel gratitude about life, the blessings that you have, and you want to immerse yourself in positive thoughts of the good that you  are receiving into your life (2).

Another method is the Demartini Method which involves a series of questions that alters several structures of the brain, including the hypothalamus and the anygdala, which are responsible for expressions of fear, guilt, and aggression (2).

Whether or not you use the priming method or the Demartini Method, the point is you must be willing to recondition and reprogram your mind consistently, in order for your reality to change.

That means you must condition your mind by using daily practices of instilling the belief and thought processes that you are expecting into your life.


