Your Daily Routine

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You can have a Filled schedule or a Fulfilled schedule.

What is the daily schedule you use to keep everything going in your life?

Right now I am running 3 companies... leading 70+ employees, attending meetings, events, conferences, video shoots, recording podcasts... 🤯

Keeping that going while also taking care of my health and personal life can get chaotic quick.

I schedule out my calendar weeks in advance. I make sure that every single hour is accounted for, packed with the activities that will give me the results I am seeking in my business and personal life.

🚨This is how my DAILY routine looks like:

Rise at 7am.

Guzzle 2 glasses of water, supplements and coffee.

Bounce on the trampoline.


Complete a stack.

Drink a 64 oz. veggie drink.

Read for a bit.

Phone Calls (on the way to the office). Send a few loving texts.

Office time and scheduled meetings.

Eat around 3pm.

Meditation for 20min and nap for 10min.

Return to phone calls.

Work on projects during after-hours at the office until 8-9pm.

Sleep by 11pm or 12am. 👊🏻💥

The morning workout is key to energizing my body, whether it's a run/walk, surfing, weights or stretching.

Next, The Stack, a series of questions that help me clear emotional triggers and get focused.

My veggie drink energizes me for the day and I'm out the door in the afternoon.

I may get body work or a CVAC (Cyclic Variation Altitude Conditioning) session, during which I'll knockout emails and phone calls.

Afternoon meditations and naps are essential for powering me through the evening workload.

Saturday is project day, which requires deep thought and action, recording podcasts and shooting shows.

While Sundays are filled with weekly calendaring, more sleep, body work, and something fun.

You can have a filled schedule or a fulfilled schedule.

What do you need to add to your schedule, that will fulfill you and your requirements for your life, to achieve the results you are seeking?

It's your choice - what you want to manifest in your life.

👉🏻Your #1 resource is time.

How are you using your time? Where in your life do you need to schedule better?