Everything Is Constantly Evolving

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When was the last time you challenged yourself?

I find that quarterly planning really helps me hit my targets in both my personal and professional life.

I like to call these processes “90-Day Challenges.”

What can you do in the next 90 days to get closer to achieving your ultimate goals?

Because let’s get real, the only things you can control are most likely no further than 90 days out.

Sure, you can have a 10-year vision of the life you want to live.

But everything is constantly evolving.

Did you even think of #cryptocurrency 10 years ago?

Realize that the world is moving at lightening-speed.

So become the Jedi Master of the next 90 days of your life.

What actions will you take in that timeframe to enhance your body?

What challenges will you take on to improve your business?

What daily disciplines will help you create more power and energy, so that at the end of the quarter you end up where you want to be?

And although you are not always going to hit your target, you’ll be closer than if you take shots aimlessly.

Taking this bite-sized approach will help ease the sense of feeling overwhelmed.

Will prevent fear and chaos from paralyzing you.

Start your 90-day challenge by setting up clear goals in each area of your life.

Break down these goals into monthly, weekly and daily targets.

You will regain power over your body, being, balance, and business.

AND you’ll be more effective at leading and challenging your team because you were able to challenge YOURSELF.

BOOM ! 👊🏻💥