You're Lying To Yourself

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Tell the truth.

What part of your life are you lying to yourself about?

Because all this business stuff we're learning isn't going to matter if we are crashing.

Crashing in our bodies.

Crashing in our mindset.

Crashing in the way we are living our family life.

If any of this comes crashing down, we crash in our business, right?

I’m sharing with you what I’ve learned throughout my journey.

I have built several businesses over the years, but I was crashing.

I was up to 287 pounds because I was lying to myself about my health.

I was saying, “I’m building a great company. It doesn’t matter. I can eat like shit. I can drink every night.”

And my body crashed.

I didn’t want to get out of bed, and I literally found myself so fried I couldn’t even make it into the office.

What part of your life are you lying to yourself about?

You’re lying to yourself about your business in some specific area, and that’s why it’s not growing.

You’re lying to yourself about your health in some shape or form, and that’s why it’s not transforming.

You’re lying to yourself about something.

You’re telling yourself that you are being a loving husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

But are you really?

So I am going to keep sharing the question…

Where do you need to stop lying to yourself?