DailyQ #27: Do I need to write a business plan?

Do I need to write a business plan? Troy Hoffman suggests briefly drafting a business plan to get an understanding of costs and timeline, but investing more effort in the work. It's going to be a grind and you need the best head start you can get.

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DailyQ #25: What mistakes should startups avoid?

What are some of the major mistakes I can avoid as a startup entrepreneur? Troy Hoffman confesses it's impossible to avoid startup mistakes with a crystal ball, but great council can help evade some. Building without proficiency and as fast as possible will produce faults.

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DailyQ #23: Is overnight success truly possible?

Is overnight success truly possible? Troy Hoffman encourages focusing on the process and the ever evolving pursuit for personal growth. Most grind for years in a specific area to grow and learn before achieving true success. So, the question is who do you want to become?

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DailyQ #19: What did you learn from Verne's books?

What did you learn from Verne's books and apply to your life? Troy Hoffman reflects on the lessons learned from Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and Scaling Up by Verne Harnish. It's the simplest form of the game outlined, but employees struggled to accept and phase in these principles.

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DailyQ #18: What do you do to eliminate stress?

What do you do to eliminate stress? Troy Hoffman covers the basics of diving into stress. We all have so many demands making stress one of the biggest challenges for people across America right now. Identifying solutions in all areas of your life will help to minimize it.

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DailyQ #16: What is the best morning routine?

What is the best morning routine to apply to my life? Troy Hoffman is all too familiar with creating morning disciplines and sharing what works best for him. We should challenge our body, being, balance and business through quick activities and a routine stack to empower us for the day.

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